Sunday, August 10, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Commission Structure and why it Works?
Why does the commission structure make the company successful?
Discover why Adsurfdaily produces Extraordinary Results
The key to reaping your Financial Goals through AdSurfDaily is stability and predictability in the Pay Plan. It is safe to expect a long-term income stream.
You want your efforts today rewarded next month and next year. There is a very good reason why you can expect AdSurfDaily to deliver this kind of stability for you.
The key is our very unique Pay Plan.
The AdSurfDaily pay plan allows for a constant income stream. And that remains true in times of growth and contraction.
Please be careful not to compare our pay plan with others. Ours is unique and effective because on no given day do we pay out more than 75% of our gross income. This aspect of our pay formula gives us stability in times of contractions and growth.
The pay plan is designed to pay the Advertisers surf bonuses and referral bonuses first and never more than 75% of the gross ensuring a predicable income stream for our Advertisers.
It's All About You and What you Want For Your Life
We believe the AdSurfDaily business model can allow anyone to achieve far more than what they may have ever achieved. In fact, we know it.
If you want to realize your life's dreams with Adsurfdaily, you need to turn your goals into projects. Following through with a simple daily plan of action ensures success.
Explanation of Commission Structure
Adsurfdaily pays out seventy-five percent of their ad sales on a daily basis. This leaves 25% for operation, advertising, bonuses (5%) and customer support. Sixty percent of ad sales are paid out as surfing commissions on a daily basis. The surfing commissions are paid to the total number of outstanding ad packages on the previous day. This formula determines the amount of commissions to be paid on each ad package. The commissions are paid within 24 hours.
Fifteen per cent is paid for referral commissions. A ten percent commission is paid to you for people you refer who purchase ad packages. A five percent commission is paid to you for people your referrals refer for the ad packages they purchase. These commissions are paid within 48 hours of the ad purchases. Five to seven percent is paid for bonuses.
The above commission structure insures company longevity
Andy's Lawyer & The Legality Statement
LEGALITY STATEMENT Presented by Mr. Robert Garner, Attorney at Law, Chief Legal Counsel for Ad Surf Daily, Inc. Garner Law Office – P.O. Box 13002 – Greensboro - NC – 27415 – USA INTRODUCTION |
My name is Robert Garner, and I am an attorney and the principle owner of the Garner Law Office in Greensboro, North Carolina. At our Law Office we specialize in corporate, business and real estate law, and my firm represents Ad Surf Daily, Inc., or ASD, which is Andy Bowdoin’s company that operates the Ad Cash Generator business opportunity.
To give you some of my background as an attorney, I am a graduate of the Law School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and I’ve had thirty years experience as a North Carolina licensed attorney. I have handled everything from first degree murder cases to million dollar construction litigation. But for the past twenty years, I have primarily represented corporations and security houses, such as stock brokerage firms and investment firms.
Our work includes the handling of public stock offerings, negotiating complex mergers and acquisitions, and the preparation of filings for the Securities and Exchange Commission, also known as the SEC. In case you don’t know, the SEC is a regulatory branch of the US Government created by Congress to protect investors from fraud and other abuses.
In addition to myself, we have other attorneys in our offices who are dedicated to this work with Andy and his company, and who are available at any time to deal with issues as they arise. We are working daily to advance the business plans of Andy’s entire organization, and we are moving forward in a number of positive directions which will benefit everyone involved.
Now, I want to address the concern that new ASD members sometimes have in the area of the legality of the Ad Cash Generator opportunity. And for the record, I can say that there is no litigation, no threatened litigation, or even any inquiries from any regulatory body about ASD or the Ad Cash Generator opportunity.
Everyone at my law firm understands Andy’s sincere commitment to honesty and integrity in all aspects of his company, and we have given those values the highest level of importance in all our activities as his legal counsel. For the past 2 years now, Andy has directed us to ensure that his company is structurally sound today and tomorrow and far into the future. My staff and I are dedicated to Andy’s vision that his company will continue to rapidly grow bigger and stronger, and will continue to be an industry leader in Internet advertising in the years to come.
Now, here is an overview of what ASD and the Ad Cash Generator income opportunity program are doing from a legal viewpoint:
ASD and the Ad Cash Generator opportunity provide businesses a way to advertise on the Internet. It allows them to purchase page views, where their ads can be seen by the general public. At this time, Ad Cash Generator is offering rebates to purchasers of advertising. These rebates function something like “loss leaders” in that advertisers are presented a way to earn their money back, plus a little more, in addition to having their ads viewed on the Internet. If you are not familiar with this business term “loss leader”, it is when a product or service is sold at a very low price or at a loss for the purpose of attracting customers to a retail store.
Not everyone qualifies for the rebates, but for those who do participate, it is a great opportunity for them to expose their Websites to the public, and earn back some of the cost. I should tell you that like all rebates, this offer may be withdrawn at some time in the future, and the opportunity will be gone. However, the special offers will be honored for all who do participate at this time.
These ASD programs are open to everybody. ASD had a program to allow businesses to place ads on the ASD site for viewing by the general public without cost. For others who are seeking wider exposure, there are “ad packages” available for purchase which will guarantee greater numbers of page views, as selected by the advertiser. It is for those people that a rebate program is available now, to recover their cost, and perhaps earn some additional money. As ASD grows and develops, this program may change and improve as well.
Now, I would like to go over some legal and operational information about ASD as a company.
ASD is incorporated, pays state, federal and all other taxes, and complies with all laws and regulations that apply to it. It provides its contact information, including its physical location, on the Internet. It has customer service representatives who are responsive to customer calls. The customer service representatives are not offshore, they are right here in the United States. To provide even better customer support, ASD has implemented a “ticket” system to allow inquiries via its website, and answers every one within 24 hours, Monday through Friday. The goal is to have zero customer complaints.
In addition, ASD is continuing the expensive work of improving back office operations, so that everything will run more smoothly for everyone. And, as I stated before, there are many other exciting things coming in the future that will benefit everyone involved with the ASD income opportunities.
ASD and its related companies are not selling stock, nor are they seeking investors. Should any of the related companies elect to do so in the future, strict adherence to SEC and state regulations would be observed. At this stage, a stock offering to the general public, in compliance with SEC regulations, is at best only in the talking phase. There are no concrete plans for this right now.
If ASD or its related companies were to offer shares of stock, they would be required to file a registration statement with the SEC. If ASD, or anyone, anywhere were to offer a “security,” which is defined as an investment opportunity, to US citizens, the offering would need to be first approved by the SEC before being legal. The ASD rebate program is designed to respect these regulations. It is not an investment opportunity, and should not be considered as such. ASD is seeking to build up its base of subcontractors who will continue to sell Internet advertising for them, even after the rebate program ends and is replaced with something even more exciting and beneficial. ASD also wants to acquire information about companies that will continue to purchase advertising on the Internet in the future, and ASD is willing to pay for that information through the rebate program.
Because of the rebate program, some people have asked if ASD or the Ad Cash Generator income opportunity is a “Ponzi” scheme or a pyramid. A Ponzi scheme and/or a pyramid are illegal, because they use money from new investors to pay the first investors in the scheme their promised returns. When the base of the pyramid stops growing, the pyramid collapses. While ASD commits a portion of its future revenues to pay rebates, it does not guarantee a return, and the time it takes to earn rebates is affected by the revenue stream in the future. Not everyone elects to participate in the rebate program, and not everyone will earn rebates.
ASD’s Ad Cash Generator business model is not dependent on a base that continues to expand. Plus, ASD is developing other revenue sources constantly. Even more important, the rebates are fixed, and will allow the participants to only earn a set amount, and that amount is based on performance. There is no continuing obligation to pay returns to infinity, as in illegal pyramid programs. Because of these major differences, the Ad Cash Generator business opportunity is not an illegal “Ponzi” scheme or pyramid, and it is not in violation of any SEC laws or regulations.
As the founder and president of ASD, Andy envisions a day in the near future when the company will operate as a premier distributor of Internet advertising, utilizing the information now being acquired to market its services. We understand that Andy’s goal is to follow the example of other broad based companies such as Amway and Avon, and to use the methods they developed to become a recognized leader in providing Internet marketing services.
If anyone has legal questions about the Ad Cash Generator opportunity, I have provided this Legality Statement on the ASD Website that you are now reading. If you cannot find answers to your questions here, you should contact the staff at ASD, or submit a ticket for a written response. For more complex legal or regulatory questions, we ask that you have your attorney contact us for more detailed discussions, and we are happy to take such calls at 336-621-3890. Note: We will only take these legality question calls from licensed attorneys, so please have your attorney call us, not you.
In closing I want to assure you that as a licensed attorney for the past 30 years, I know there is no such thing as a free lunch, meaning you can get paid money for doing nothing in exchange. But, at the same time, I do believe that opportunity still exists, and that steady work and dedication can pay off. We know that ASD is committed to creating an environment where these opportunities can be found, opportunities to earn the money necessary for the challenging economic times ahead and for those who want to achieve even higher long term goals to live a life with much more financial freedom and security for them and their families.
We wish everyone involved with the Ad Cash Generator great success, and we will do our part to help make it happen.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Joseph "Yellow Kid" Weil

Joseph "Yellow Kid" Weil is regarded by many to be the greatest conman of all time, and was the inspiration for the classic film The Sting. He certainly put his effort behind perfecting every detail of the con. In order to con an unscrupulous businessman, Weil one time concocted a fake bank, using prostitutes as customers and regulars from the local track as tellers. Weil's cons often relied upon the greed of the mark to drive the deception, like the ruse wherein he would leave his valuable, rare-breed dog in a saloon for his accomplish to later enter and offer $300 to the owner for. Upon Weil's return—and subsequent tale of financial woe—the barman would offer $200 for the dog, hoping to make a quick resale to the partner, who of course could no longer be found.
"Each of my victims had larceny in his heart," explained the master of hanky-panky.
"The desire to get something for nothing has been very costly to many people who have dealt with me and with other con men," Weil writes. "But I have found that this is the way it works. The average person, in my estimation, is ninety-nine per cent animal and one per cent human. The ninety-nine per cent that is animal causes very little trouble. But the one per cent that is human causes all our woes. When people learn -- as I doubt they will -- that they can't get something for nothing, crime will diminish and we shall live in greater harmony."
I never cheated an honest man, only rascals. They wanted something for nothing. I gave them nothing for something.
--Joseph "Yellow Kid" Weil
Joseph "Yellow Kid" Weil (July 1, 1875 – February 1976) was one of the most famous American confidence men of his era. Weil's biographer, W.T. Brannon, believed Weil had an "uncanny knowledge of human nature." Over the course of his career, Weil is said to have stolen over eight million dollars.
I have many fond memories of my uncle including the Baby Grand Piano that he gave me on my 9th birthday and the times we spent together when I visited my dad in Chicago. On my bookcase sits an autographed copy of his biography which is beginning to fray at the edges from the many times I have read it. There are other skeletons that are hiding in the closet but none bring to mind the fond and everlasting memories that I have of Yellow Kid.
Who is Andy Bowdoin?

Andy Bowdoin is the CEO and President of Ad Surf Daily now known as ASD. If you ask Andy he will tell you that he is the Greatest Businessman since the discovery of peanut butter.
1. According to Andy he has received the Medal of Distinction from President Bush.
2. He was the first person to see a need for GPS tracking for Fleets and started a company in 1999 called GPS Tech.
3. Was the first person to start a company to manufacture Cellular Phones and distribute them World wide for cingular which is now AT&T. (Back when phones weighed 6 lbs)
4. Has a program that he will pay you 150% return if you purchase ads from him and you only have to click on 15 ads per day.
5. Claims that GOOGLE, TARGET, VICTORIA'S SECRET and AMERICAN AIRLINES are buying ads from him.
6. Claims that his company has the blessing of the Attorney General of Florida and Illinios.
So lets now look at those very claims:
1. The Medal of Distinction is not given by the President of The United States but rather to those persons who have contributed large sums of money to the Republican Party and Andy was not one of the person awarded.
2. GPS tracking for Fleets was started in 1995 five (5) years before his claim and his company GPS Tech was incorporated in the State of Florida in 2004 and was dissolved by the state a year later for failure to file annual reports.
3. Cingular was not even around when phones weighed 6lbs.
4. (Posted by BLI)I talked at some length today with a "BIG TIME" ASD player. We're talking around "$10,000 income" daily right now. He explained how the compensation works, which I DO understand a lot better. But wait... all is not roses.
You DON'T automatically earn 1% compounded daily. What actually happens is that 50% of the ad revenue for THAT DAY goes back into paying all the members equally. Currently that averages about 1% a day. (And IF the company starts promising a certain rate of return... RUN FOR THE HILLS! It's impossible to sustain.)
The OTHER point is that you can only earn 125% of what you PUT IN. You do not compound forever... once you reach 125% you either withdraw, or (like most do) PUT IT ALL IN AGAIN.
Yeah.. spin that wheel, play the odds, double or nothing!
Some Real Concerns:
I really appreciated my contact's time, don't get me wrong, but I just can't support his efforts because of some fundamental FLAWS with the whole concept.
The ads that you are paying for are being shown to other ASD members who aren't there to buy anything. They're all going round & round clicking on their necessary daily page views to qualify to earn... but not really surfing because they are looking to buy.
The ASD people are saying how Google and other major players are going to be purchasing ads. But I ask you, WHY would Google buy ads when it can put its own ads on MILLIONS of sites far more cheaply? Also... why would they advertise to a group of people who don't care what they're looking at (See Flaw #1)
Value for Value - key principal here. If you put in $500, you get 500 credits (ad views), which means you are paying $1/view for an untargeted viewing of your ad. Believe me, when the money stops flowing, people will take their money and go elsewhere... this product isn't worth the cost.
AND... the math doesn't allow for people to steadily MAKE money with this program.
The SCARY Math:
ASD is keeping 50% of every dollar put into the advertising. Which means if total accounts show $10 million, then $20 million was put in.
The $10 million is put in again, now total user accounts show $5 million (50% right). And so on, until ASD has all the money. The reason it doesn't look this way right now is that most money is being "recycled" every day along with all the NEW money (from new signups). But played out long-term, eventually ASD would earn it all back.
I'm just pointing out that the only way people are earning MORE than their initial investment is that a lot more money is coming in AFTER them.
I did this complicated spreadsheet last night, and found that when you join you get "in a line" for your account to reach 125%. Yes, everybody is getting paid daily... but it takes about 7-8 people coming in AFTER you (at the same $$ level) for you to earn 125% back.
1st person gets to 125% after 7 people
2nd person gets to 125% after 14 people
3rd person gets to 125% after 21 people
This means if:
there were 1,000 people now
each with $1,000 in their account...
it would take 7,000 new spends at $1,000 for those initial 1,000 people to get to 125%.
Now how long for those 7,000 NEW $1,000 accounts to return 125%? Yup... 49,000 NEW $1,000 purchases. And so on...
This program will likely continue to run while new signups keep occurring. As long as the percentages look good, people will continue to reinvest, keeping the engine going for a little while. But it will come to a grinding halt once two things start happening (and it happens fast):
1. The percentages start dropping (new signups can't keep up to the 7-1 ratio)
2. The big dogs start withdrawing their big money (instead of reinvesting) knowing this has run its course!
I know it sounds great to make easy money so quickly. But on principle alone I have to stay away. I might be totally wrong and ASD shocks the world and people are thrilled... but I don't think logic, math, and history show this as likely. If its good.. it will be here for a long time, right? Why not wait it out awhile.
If this was simply "earn 50%-75% affiliate commissions on any ad package purchases you referred" it would work. But the 125% return on your purchase makes this an unsustainable income-generating tool.
INSTEAD... what could you do with the time & money you WOULD have invested in ASD? Maybe build a different worthwhile business that has real value and that YOU CONTROL?
At least it's worth some thought. Thanks for listening.
5. GOOGLE, TARGET, VICTORIA'S SECRET and AMERICAN AIRLINES have never heard from nor have they purchased any ad space from Andy Bowdoin or ASD.
6. Leon Brock with the Attorney General's Office in Florida said that they do not endorse any business.
In conclusion you be the judge whether this is a viable business that you want to join and help to make Andy Bowdoin a billionaire.
As JG Wentworth always says "Its your money and you want it now."