Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Commission Structure and why it Works?

Why does the commission structure make the company successful?

Discover why Adsurfdaily produces Extraordinary Results

The key to reaping your Financial Goals through AdSurfDaily is stability and predictability in the Pay Plan. It is safe to expect a long-term income stream.

You want your efforts today rewarded next month and next year. There is a very good reason why you can expect AdSurfDaily to deliver this kind of stability for you.

The key is our very unique Pay Plan.
The AdSurfDaily pay plan allows for a constant income stream. And that remains true in times of growth and contraction.

Please be careful not to compare our pay plan with others. Ours is unique and effective because on no given day do we pay out more than 75% of our gross income. This aspect of our pay formula gives us stability in times of contractions and growth.

The pay plan is designed to pay the Advertisers surf bonuses and referral bonuses first and never more than 75% of the gross ensuring a predicable income stream for our Advertisers.

It's All About You and What you Want For Your Life

We believe the AdSurfDaily business model can allow anyone to achieve far more than what they may have ever achieved. In fact, we know it.

If you want to realize your life's dreams with Adsurfdaily, you need to turn your goals into projects. Following through with a simple daily plan of action ensures success.

Explanation of Commission Structure

Adsurfdaily pays out seventy-five percent of their ad sales on a daily basis. This leaves 25% for operation, advertising, bonuses (5%) and customer support. Sixty percent of ad sales are paid out as surfing commissions on a daily basis. The surfing commissions are paid to the total number of outstanding ad packages on the previous day. This formula determines the amount of commissions to be paid on each ad package. The commissions are paid within 24 hours.

Fifteen per cent is paid for referral commissions. A ten percent commission is paid to you for people you refer who purchase ad packages. A five percent commission is paid to you for people your referrals refer for the ad packages they purchase. These commissions are paid within 48 hours of the ad purchases. Five to seven percent is paid for bonuses.

The above commission structure insures company longevity

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