Monday, July 21, 2008

Who is Andy Bowdoin?

Andy Bowdoin is the CEO and President of Ad Surf Daily now known as ASD. If you ask Andy he will tell you that he is the Greatest Businessman since the discovery of peanut butter.

1. According to Andy he has received the Medal of Distinction from President Bush.

2. He was the first person to see a need for GPS tracking for Fleets and started a company in 1999 called GPS Tech.

3. Was the first person to start a company to manufacture Cellular Phones and distribute them World wide for cingular which is now AT&T. (Back when phones weighed 6 lbs)

4. Has a program that he will pay you 150% return if you purchase ads from him and you only have to click on 15 ads per day.

5. Claims that GOOGLE, TARGET, VICTORIA'S SECRET and AMERICAN AIRLINES are buying ads from him.

6. Claims that his company has the blessing of the Attorney General of Florida and Illinios.

So lets now look at those very claims:

1. The Medal of Distinction is not given by the President of The United States but rather to those persons who have contributed large sums of money to the Republican Party and Andy was not one of the person awarded.

2. GPS tracking for Fleets was started in 1995 five (5) years before his claim and his company GPS Tech was incorporated in the State of Florida in 2004 and was dissolved by the state a year later for failure to file annual reports.

3. Cingular was not even around when phones weighed 6lbs.

4. (Posted by BLI)I talked at some length today with a "BIG TIME" ASD player. We're talking around "$10,000 income" daily right now. He explained how the compensation works, which I DO understand a lot better. But wait... all is not roses.

To Clarify:
You DON'T automatically earn 1% compounded daily. What actually happens is that 50% of the ad revenue for THAT DAY goes back into paying all the members equally. Currently that averages about 1% a day. (And IF the company starts promising a certain rate of return... RUN FOR THE HILLS! It's impossible to sustain.)

The OTHER point is that you can only earn 125% of what you PUT IN. You do not compound forever... once you reach 125% you either withdraw, or (like most do) PUT IT ALL IN AGAIN.

Yeah.. spin that wheel, play the odds, double or nothing!

Some Real Concerns:
I really appreciated my contact's time, don't get me wrong, but I just can't support his efforts because of some fundamental FLAWS with the whole concept.

Fundamental Flaw #1 - Untargeted Viewers
The ads that you are paying for are being shown to other ASD members who aren't there to buy anything. They're all going round & round clicking on their necessary daily page views to qualify to earn... but not really surfing because they are looking to buy.

Fundamental Flaw #2 - Big Advertisers on Board?
The ASD people are saying how Google and other major players are going to be purchasing ads. But I ask you, WHY would Google buy ads when it can put its own ads on MILLIONS of sites far more cheaply? Also... why would they advertise to a group of people who don't care what they're looking at (See Flaw #1)

Fundamental Flaw #3 - Is it worth it? If not, it will die!
Value for Value - key principal here. If you put in $500, you get 500 credits (ad views), which means you are paying $1/view for an untargeted viewing of your ad. Believe me, when the money stops flowing, people will take their money and go elsewhere... this product isn't worth the cost.

AND... the math doesn't allow for people to steadily MAKE money with this program.

The SCARY Math:
ASD is keeping 50% of every dollar put into the advertising. Which means if total accounts show $10 million, then $20 million was put in.

The $10 million is put in again, now total user accounts show $5 million (50% right). And so on, until ASD has all the money. The reason it doesn't look this way right now is that most money is being "recycled" every day along with all the NEW money (from new signups). But played out long-term, eventually ASD would earn it all back.

I'm just pointing out that the only way people are earning MORE than their initial investment is that a lot more money is coming in AFTER them.

I did this complicated spreadsheet last night, and found that when you join you get "in a line" for your account to reach 125%. Yes, everybody is getting paid daily... but it takes about 7-8 people coming in AFTER you (at the same $$ level) for you to earn 125% back.

1st person gets to 125% after 7 people
2nd person gets to 125% after 14 people
3rd person gets to 125% after 21 people

This means if:
there were 1,000 people now
each with $1,000 in their account...
it would take 7,000 new spends at $1,000 for those initial 1,000 people to get to 125%.

Now how long for those 7,000 NEW $1,000 accounts to return 125%? Yup... 49,000 NEW $1,000 purchases. And so on...

In otherwords, the reason everybody is excited right now is because the growth has been keeping up with the 1%+ average and everything looks great!

However, I hear there are about 100,000 distributors now. If you want to get involved NOW, just hope that in the next 3 months the company makes it to 700,000 distributors! (and then what?) Personally, I don't think its going to happen.


This program will likely continue to run while new signups keep occurring. As long as the percentages look good, people will continue to reinvest, keeping the engine going for a little while. But it will come to a grinding halt once two things start happening (and it happens fast):
1. The percentages start dropping (new signups can't keep up to the 7-1 ratio)
2. The big dogs start withdrawing their big money (instead of reinvesting) knowing this has run its course!

I know it sounds great to make easy money so quickly. But on principle alone I have to stay away. I might be totally wrong and ASD shocks the world and people are thrilled... but I don't think logic, math, and history show this as likely. If its good.. it will be here for a long time, right? Why not wait it out awhile.

If this was simply "earn 50%-75% affiliate commissions on any ad package purchases you referred" it would work. But the 125% return on your purchase makes this an unsustainable income-generating tool.

INSTEAD... what could you do with the time & money you WOULD have invested in ASD? Maybe build a different worthwhile business that has real value and that YOU CONTROL?

At least it's worth some thought. Thanks for listening.

5. GOOGLE, TARGET, VICTORIA'S SECRET and AMERICAN AIRLINES have never heard from nor have they purchased any ad space from Andy Bowdoin or ASD.

6. Leon Brock with the Attorney General's Office in Florida said that they do not endorse any business.

In conclusion you be the judge whether this is a viable business that you want to join and help to make Andy Bowdoin a billionaire.

As JG Wentworth always says "Its your money and you want it now."


Anonymous said...

Why would I trust your word over another man's word? Since you are so close to Quincy, why don't you just walk into the office and check out the medal yourself since you claim to not be a coward?

Jack Arons said...

I have been to the office and was refused a viewing of the so called MOD.

The difference between you and me is that you are the coward hiding behind a persona called anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Did I claim bravery?

Anonymous said...

Great delivery. Great arguments. Keep up the great spirit.

My website; ziekenfonds